Three Effective Techniques to Reset Epson Ink Cartridge

Epson printer users extensively use their printing devices to perform daily work-related tasks. For the printer to work properly, it needs to have adequate ink. But if you’ve refilled it and it still reports to be empty, you should reset Epson ink cartridge. In this article, you’ll find different ways through which you can reset the chip of your Epson ink cartridge. 


Ways to Reset Epson Ink Cartridge 

You can use a cartridge reset tool or a paper clip to reset the cartridge chip. 

  1. Employ a Reset Tool for the Cartridge 

The cartridge reset tool is a convenient option for those printer models without a reset button. Here’s how to use the tool.

  • Get a reset tool that supports the cartridge model of your Epson printer.

  • After that, fully uninstall the existing empty ink cartridge. 

  • Align the cartridge in a manner that the metal contacts of the chip are displayed on the tool’s pins. 

  • Press the tool on the cartridge. Let its pins press the contacts of the chip. 

  • Wait till you see the tool’s light turn green.

  • When you see a blinking green light, you have reset Epson printer cartridge


  1. Reset the Cartridge with a Paper Clip

In this method, you need to find pinholes in the cartridge and insert paper clips in those holes.

  • If your printer has seven to nine pinholes, bring some paper clips.

  • Ensure that the paper clip is straight so it can be easily placed into the contact hole.

  • Insert an end of the clip into the pinhole and press it down.

  • After a few seconds, remove the clip.

  • That’s it; you have reset ink cartridge Epson.

  • But if your cartridge has two metal contacts only, first lay it on a flat surface. 

  • Keep the ends of the extended paper clips against the contacts on the cartridge.

  • After about a few seconds, the cartridge chip will get reset.


  1. Change the Chips on Your Ink Cartridges. 

Certain Epson ink cartridges will alert you when the ink level is 30 to 40%. This method to reset an Epson ink cartridge makes your printer identify that you are using black and CMY cartridges. 

  • To begin, remove black and CMY ink cartridges.

  • Slide away the chips from the cartridge. If possible, use a single-bladed razor to perform this task.

  • Now, change the chips on both cartridges.

  • It means placing the black cartridge’s chip on the CMY cartridge and vice-versa.

  • Install the cartridges on your Epson printer correctly.

  • Hit the ‘Ink Change’ button.

  • It will indicate you have replaced the cartridges.

  • You will see your system showing optimal ink levels.

  • Hit the ‘Ink Change’ button and remove black and CMY cartridges.

  • Put the chips back in their cartridges.

  • This time, you must not swap their places.

  • Install the cartridges in the Epson printer and hit ‘Ink Change.’

  • You will now see similar ink levels in both cartridges.


Summing up

All the techniques mentioned in this article are tried and tested. So, you needn’t doubt their effectiveness in helping you reset Epson ink cartridge. However, in case you find them not giving you the desired results, contact a printer technical support expert.


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