How do I Bypass the Ink Cartridge on an Epson Printer

Once the ink level reaches a certain point, the print drivers in Epson printers will undoubtedly stop operating. Even if there is some remaining ink in the cartridge, nothing will be printed. Before this circumstance develops, be sure to keep replacement Epson ink cartridges on hand. There is a straightforward solution for a query on how to bypass ink cartridge on Epson printer in detail. 

How do I Bypass Ink Cartridge on Epson Printer?


Here are 3 methods of bypass ink cartridge on Epson printer:

1. Locking and Opening a Particular Ink Cartridge Cover:-

Any color ink cartridge on an Epson printer must be unlocked, then locked again, to be bypassed. Following that, the printer will once again identify that cartridge and permit you to print papers for a while.

  • Let's turn the Epson printer on. Wait until the ready or home screen appears on the Epson printer.

  • Header Lift The Print

  • Hold down the printer's "Ink" button until the cartridge slides back into place.

  • Lifting the cartridge cover will unlock a certain cartridge (Lever). Avoid removing the cartridge from the printer.

  • Wait two seconds, then pull the lockdown.

  • Removing the Printer heading now.

  • Right now, print something from your computer.

2. Reset the Epson Printer's Ink Cartridge:-

  • If you performed the aforementioned procedures but were unable to bypass the Epson printer's ink cartridge. You should take out the ink cartridge to see whether it has a reset button or a chip.

  • You must take the ink cartridge out of the printer and install a new ink cartridge if the ink cartridge has a reset button. If you don't have that, though. An Epson chip reset tool must be purchased from Amazon or another retailer.

  • Remove the low-ink cartridge at this point, and connect the reset tool's chip pin to it. When the reset tool's steady lights appear, the cartridge has been successfully repaired. The bypass ink cartridge on Epson printer can now be put into the printer. It will momentarily function on your device.

3. The Print Cartridge is Shaken:-

  • Lift the printer lid while your printer is turned on, then hold your position until you see the car swing back and forth.

  • Pressing the tabs on the short end of each print cartridge and raising it straight up will now remove all of the print cartridges.

  • At this point, switch off the printer and give it some time to shut down fully. After that, wait a bit to give the printer's memory time to reset before unplugging the printer's plug from the main power supply.

  • Now shake each cartridge once or twice to evenly spread the ink.

  • After that, insert the printer's cartridges in the sequence they were taken out, and then attach the printer to the power supply.


When you wish to keep printing even when the printer warns that the ink cartridges are running low, you must bypass the ink cartridges. In this blog, you got the solution to the query on how to bypass ink cartridge on Epson printer. You can achieve the same result by reinstalling the ink container without taking out outdated cartridges. To distribute the ink in the cartridges, remove all of the cartridges from the printer and shake them. 


With the help of the three methods we've listed above, you may effortlessly bypass ink cartridge on Epson printer and carry on printing without buying new ones. Hopefully, you enjoyed reading this post. A comprehensive guide to fixing Epson Printer Not Black issue printing is available here as well.


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