Fix the Issue of Your Epson Projector Overheating Quickly

Epson projectors are renowned for their unrivaled performance. However, on using them for a prolonged period, the likelihood of Epson projector overheating increases. It happens when you watch a video, movie, or presentation for long. 

Epson projector overheating

When this problem occurs, you need to take steps to resolve it. Many people do not know what to do when their projector overheats. Thus, they face issues in cooling the projector. In this article, you’ll find simple techniques to cool your projector. 


How to Eliminate the Epson Projector Overheating

Overheating can occur due to lack of maintenance and unstable power supply. The efficient techniques given below will help you to resolve the overheating problem.


Remove the bulb

To troubleshoot the problem of Epson projector keeps overheating, open and take away the lid. After that, remove the printer’s cover for taking out the bulb. Now, press the wire holder so that it revolves, and then take it away from the projector. 

Next, pull and lift your bulb a bit higher from its socket and put it on the cover. Remember to remove the bulb only when the projector wires are plugged out, and it’s fully cooled. 


Open the clam-shell

After removing the bulb, open the clamshell. Unscrew all the five screws from the projector’s rear part for opening it. You also need to unscrew the three screws from the projector’s back panel. Now, remove every screw by flipping it. Take out the air filter and wipe it clean by blowing with the mouth and a cloth piece. Now, remove all cables from your projector and the protective cover. Next, remove the projector’s rear part. 


Take away the cables.

On opening the clam-shell, you’ll notice two wires at the top and bottom part of the projector. Take away the cable slides by moving in the forward direction. It will become simple to take away the clamp shells from the laptop. 


Remove the exhaust blower.

The next step to troubleshoot the Epson projector overheating problem is to remove the exhaust blower. Zip the tie carefully. After that, open the plastic clips and remove the two screws inside them. It opens the grill present at the front part of the blower. After that, take away the third screw and gently pull the brackets. Then remove the blower from the Epson projector and clean it. Lastly, keep it in the projector like it was initially.


Remove the blower fans.

To remove the blower fans, you need to take out the black-coloured screws supporting the fan. Thereafter, remove the additional screws made from stainless steel. Then, remove the wires from the fans and wipe them.


Place the bulb fans carefully.

Lastly, you should place the bulbs in the same way you removed them. Then, put the screws in place and also tighten them. Place the bulb fan’s lid and, with screws, tighten them. 


Final Words

After completing the steps mentioned above, you just need to put every wire into the projector, place all the controls, and with screws, tighten them. The issue of Epson projector overheating will get resolved. But if it doesn’t, contact Epson customer support.



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